"Awake Arise and Dont stop untill our Goal is Reached."

"Awake Arise and Dont stop untill our Goal is Reached."

Friday, March 4, 2011

राजीव गाँधी का सच स्विस अखबार की खबर

Monday, November 8, 2010

ताजमहल..एक छुपा हुआ सत्य

एक छुपा हुआ सत्य..........
कभी मत कहो कि.........
यह एक मकबरा है...........

ताजमहल का आकाशीय दृश्य......


आतंरिक पानी का कुंवा............
ताजमहल और गुम्बद के सामने का दृश्य cid:part3.09080704.08060501@oracle.com
गुम्बद और शिखर के पास का दृश्य.....
शिखर के ठीक पास का दृश्य.........cid:part5.03000607.02030403@oracle.com
आँगन में शिखर के छायाचित्र कि बनावट.....
प्रवेश द्वार पर बने लाल कमल........cid:part7..04050901.06080907@oracle.com
ताज के पिछले हिस्से का दृश्य और बाइस कमरों का समूह........cid:part8.08080100..03070300@oracle.com
पीछे की खिड़कियाँ और बंद दरवाजों का दृश्य........cid:part9.01040608..06050105@oracle.com
विशेषतः वैदिक शैली मे निर्मित गलियारा.....cid:part10.09070103.01050702@oracle.com
मकबरे के पास संगीतालय........एक विरोधाभास..........
ऊपरी तल पर स्थित एक बंद कमरा.........

निचले तल पर स्थित संगमरमरी कमरों का समूह.........
दीवारों पर बने हुए फूल......जिनमे छुपा हुआ है ओम् ( ॐ ) ....
निचले तल पर जाने के लिए सीढियां........
कमरों के मध्य 300फीट लंबा गलियारा..cid:part16.05080508.04010801@oracle.com
निचले तल के२२गुप्त कमरों मे सेएककमरा...cid:part17.07030700.04030709@oracle.com
२२ गुप्त कमरों में से एक कमरे का आतंरिक दृश्य........


अन्य बंद कमरों में से एक आतंरिक दृश्य.. cid:part19.05050106.09010306@oracle.com
एक बंद कमरे की वैदिक शैली में
निर्मित छत......
ईंटों से बंद किया गया विशाल रोशनदान .....

दरवाजों में लगी गुप्त दीवार,जिससे अन्य कमरों का सम्पर्क था.....
बहुत से साक्ष्यों को छुपाने के लिए,गुप्त ईंटों से बंद किया गया दरवाजा......

बुरहानपुर मध्य प्रदेश मे स्थित महल जहाँ मुमताज-उल-ज़मानी कि मृत्यु हुई थी.......

बादशाह नामा के अनुसार,, इस स्थान पर मुमताज को दफनाया गया......... cid:part25.05090007.00040404@oracle.com

अब कृपया इसे पढ़ें .........

प्रो.पी. एन. ओक. को छोड़ कर किसी ने कभी भी इस कथन को चुनौती नही दी कि........

"ताजमहल शाहजहाँ ने बनवाया था"

प्रो.ओक. अपनी पुस्तक "TAJ MAHAL - THE TRUE STORY" द्वारा इस

बात में विश्वास रखते हैं कि,--

सारा विश्व इस धोखे में है कि खूबसूरत इमारत ताजमहल को मुग़ल बादशाह शाहजहाँ ने बनवाया था.....

ओक कहते हैं कि......

ताजमहल प्रारम्भ से ही बेगम मुमताज का मकबरा न होकर,एक हिंदू प्राचीन शिव मन्दिर है जिसे तब तेजो महालय कहा जाता था.

अपने अनुसंधान के दौरान ओक ने खोजा कि इस शिव मन्दिर को शाहजहाँ ने जयपुर के महाराज जयसिंह से अवैध तरीके से छीन लिया था और इस पर अपना कब्ज़ा कर लिया था,,

=>शाहजहाँ के दरबारी लेखक "मुल्ला अब्दुल हमीद लाहौरी "ने अपने "बादशाहनामा" में मुग़ल शासक बादशाह का सम्पूर्ण वृतांत 1000 से ज़्यादा पृष्ठों मे लिखा है,,जिसके खंड एक के पृष्ठ 402 और 403 पर इस बात का उल्लेख है कि, शाहजहाँ की बेगम मुमताज-उल-ज़मानी जिसे मृत्यु के बाद, बुरहानपुर मध्य प्रदेश में अस्थाई तौर पर दफना दिया गया था और इसके ०६ माह बाद,तारीख़ 15 ज़मदी-उल- अउवल दिन शुक्रवार,को अकबराबाद आगरा लाया गया फ़िर उसे महाराजा जयसिंह से लिए गए,आगरा में स्थित एक असाधारण रूप से सुंदर और शानदार भवन (इमारते आलीशान) मे पुनः दफनाया गया,लाहौरी के अनुसार राजा जयसिंह अपने पुरखों कि इस आली मंजिल से बेहद प्यार करते थे ,पर बादशाह के दबाव मे वह इसे देने के लिए तैयार हो गए थे.

इस बात कि पुष्टि के लिए यहाँ ये बताना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है कि जयपुर के पूर्व महाराज के गुप्त संग्रह में वे दोनो आदेश अभी तक रक्खे हुए हैं जो शाहजहाँ द्वारा ताज भवन समर्पित करने के लिए राजा
जयसिंह को दिए गए थे.......

=>यह सभी जानते हैं कि मुस्लिम शासकों के समय प्रायः मृत दरबारियों और राजघरानों के लोगों को दफनाने के लिए, छीनकर कब्जे में लिए गए मंदिरों और भवनों का प्रयोग किया जाता था ,

उदाहरनार्थ हुमायूँ, अकबर, एतमाउददौला और सफदर जंग ऐसे ही भवनों मे दफनाये गए हैं ....

=>प्रो. ओक कि खोज ताजमहल के नाम से प्रारम्भ होती है---------

="महल" शब्द, अफगानिस्तान से लेकर अल्जीरिया तक किसी भी मुस्लिम देश में
भवनों के लिए प्रयोग नही किया जाता...

यहाँ यह व्याख्या करना कि महल शब्द मुमताज महल से लिया गया है.......वह कम से कम दो प्रकार से तर्कहीन है---------

पहला -----शाहजहाँ कि पत्नी का नाम मुमताज महल कभी नही था,,,बल्कि उसका नाम मुमताज-उल-ज़मानी था ...

और दूसरा-----किसी भवन का नामकरण किसी महिला के नाम के आधार पर रखने के लिए केवल अन्तिम आधे भाग (ताज)का ही प्रयोग किया जाए और प्रथम अर्ध भाग (मुम) को छोड़ दिया जाए,,,यह समझ से परे है...

प्रो.ओक दावा करते हैं कि,ताजमहल नाम तेजो महालय (भगवान शिव का महल) का बिगड़ा हुआ संस्करण है, साथ ही साथ ओक कहते हैं कि----

मुमताज और शाहजहाँ कि प्रेम कहानी,चापलूस इतिहासकारों की भयंकर भूल और लापरवाह पुरातत्वविदों की सफ़ाई से स्वयं गढ़ी गई कोरी अफवाह मात्र है क्योंकि शाहजहाँ के समय का कम से कम एक शासकीय अभिलेख इस प्रेम कहानी की पुष्टि नही करता है.....

इसके अतिरिक्त बहुत से प्रमाण ओक के कथन का प्रत्यक्षतः समर्थन कर रहे हैं......
तेजो महालय (ताजमहल) मुग़ल बादशाह के युग से पहले बना था और यह भगवान् शिव को समर्पित था तथा आगरा के राजपूतों द्वारा पूजा जाता था-----

==>न्यूयार्क के पुरातत्वविद प्रो. मर्विन मिलर ने ताज के यमुना की तरफ़ के दरवाजे की लकड़ी की कार्बन डेटिंग के आधार पर 1985 में यह सिद्ध किया कि यह दरवाजा सन् 1359 के आसपास अर्थात् शाहजहाँ के काल से लगभग 300 वर्ष पुराना है...

==>मुमताज कि मृत्यु जिस वर्ष (1631) में हुई थी उसी वर्ष के अंग्रेज भ्रमण कर्ता पीटर मुंडी का लेख भी इसका समर्थन करता है कि ताजमहल मुग़ल बादशाह के पहले का एक अति महत्वपूर्ण भवन था......

==>यूरोपियन यात्री जॉन अल्बर्ट मैनडेल्स्लो ने सन् 1638 (मुमताज कि मृत्यु के 07 साल बाद) में आगरा भ्रमण किया और इस शहर के सम्पूर्ण जीवन वृत्तांत का वर्णन किया,,परन्तु उसने ताज के बनने का कोई भी सन्दर्भ नही प्रस्तुत किया,जबकि भ्रांतियों मे यह कहा जाता है कि ताज का निर्माण कार्य 1631 से 1651 तक जोर शोर से चल रहा था......

==>फ्रांसीसी यात्री फविक्स बर्निअर एम.डी. जो औरंगजेब द्वारा गद्दीनशीन होने के समय भारत आया था और लगभग दस साल यहाँ रहा,के लिखित विवरण से पता चलता है कि,औरंगजेब के शासन के समय यह झूठ फैलाया जाना शुरू किया गया कि ताजमहल शाहजहाँ ने बनवाया था.......

प्रो. ओक. बहुत सी आकृतियों और शिल्प सम्बन्धी असंगताओं को इंगित करते हैं जो इस विश्वास का समर्थन करते हैं कि,ताजमहल विशाल मकबरा न होकर विशेषतः हिंदू शिव मन्दिर है.......

आज भी ताजमहल के बहुत से कमरे शाहजहाँ के काल से बंद पड़े हैं,जो आम जनता की पहुँच से परे हैं

प्रो. ओक., जोर देकर कहते हैं कि हिंदू मंदिरों में ही पूजा एवं धार्मिक संस्कारों के लिए भगवान् शिव की मूर्ति,त्रिशूल,कलश और ॐ आदि वस्तुएं प्रयोग की जाती हैं.......

==>ताज महल के सम्बन्ध में यह आम किवदंत्ती प्रचलित है कि ताजमहल के अन्दर मुमताज की कब्र पर सदैव बूँद बूँद कर पानी टपकता रहता है,, यदि यह सत्य है तो पूरे विश्व मे किसी किभी कब्र पर बूँद बूँद कर पानी नही टपकाया जाता,जबकि प्रत्येक हिंदू शिव मन्दिर में ही शिवलिंग पर बूँद बूँद कर पानी टपकाने की व्यवस्था की जाती है,फ़िर ताजमहल (मकबरे) में बूँद बूँद कर पानी टपकाने का क्या मतलब....????

राजनीतिक भर्त्सना के डर से इंदिरा सरकार ने ओक की सभी पुस्तकें स्टोर्स से वापस ले लीं थीं और इन पुस्तकों के प्रथम संस्करण को छापने वाले संपादकों को भयंकर परिणाम भुगत लेने की धमकियां भी दी गईं थीं....

प्रो. पी. एन. ओक के अनुसंधान को ग़लत या सिद्ध करने का केवल एक ही रास्ता है कि वर्तमान केन्द्र सरकार बंद कमरों को संयुक्त राष्ट्र के पर्यवेक्षण में खुलवाए, और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विशेषज्ञों को छानबीन करने दे ....

ज़रा सोचिये....!!!!!!

कि यदि ओक का अनुसंधान पूर्णतयः सत्य है तो किसी देशी राजा के बनवाए गए संगमरमरी आकर्षण वाले खूबसूरत,शानदार एवं विश्व के महान आश्चर्यों में से एक भवन, "तेजो महालय" को बनवाने का श्रेय बाहर से आए मुग़ल बादशाह शाहजहाँ को क्यों......?????


इससे जुड़ी तमाम यादों का सम्बन्ध मुमताज-उल-ज़मानी से क्यों........???????

आंसू टपक रहे हैं, हवेली के बाम से,,,,,,,,
रूहें लिपट के रोटी हैं हर खासों आम से.....
अपनों ने बुना था हमें,कुदरत के काम से,,,,
फ़िर भी यहाँ जिंदा हैं हम गैरों के नाम से......

Thanks & Regards:-

Kr. Parvindra Singh Chauhan

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Why a Hindu (or non-Muslim) Girl Must Think Thrice before Marrying a Muslim

Why a Hindu (or non-Muslim) Girl Must Think Thrice before Marrying a Muslim
April 1, 2010

In my previous article, Why a Hindu (or a non-Muslim) Girl Must not Marry a Muslim, I have explained why it is not wise for Hindu girls to convert to Islam and marry Muslims. In this article, I outline a few unfortunate-to-tragic incidents of Hindu girls, who converted to Islam to marry their Muslim lovers, which will warrant thinking thrice for Hindu girls before converting and marrying Muslims...
The Story of Sabra (or Chhabera) Begum
Saraswati (21), daughter of Nageswar Das of the village Hatiara, under the police station Rajarhat in North 24-Parganas, converted to Islam by a court affidavit on 1 April 1997, took the Muslim name Sabra Begum, and married Muhammad Mirajuddin, a Muslim. Hardly after 6 years, on December 2, 2003, Mirajuddin divorced her by oral talaq (i.e. by uttering the word ‘talaq’ thrice). On the same day, his advocate Jafar Nawab of Calcutta High Court sent the copy of the court papers regarding the decree of divorce (No. 786/475/2003 dt. 2.12.03) to Sabra Begum. In the mean time, she has become mother of four children.

The reader should try to comprehend the helplessness of Sabra Begum. It was not possible for her to return to her father’s house with 4 children born out of a Muslim father. Had she been in her youth, she could have taken shelter in a brothel to survive or to marry another Muslim. In most of the cases, it becomes impossible to find out such a new husband, who is ready to take up the responsibility of children of the divorced woman. It is needless to say that, in such cases, the children are destined to become criminals.

(This is one of the major reasons that makes the Muslim community populated by criminals. It has been mentioned in an earlier article that, according to the Sachar Committee Report, Indian jails are mostly populated by the Muslims. According to the 2001 Census Report, Muslims comprise 13% (many believe that now it has risen to more than 15%) of the population, but 60% of the convicts in jails are Muslims. The renowned Congress leader Barqat Gani Khan, a Muslim, asked his Muslim audience in during a public meeting: “Why 7 out of 10 inmates of jails are Muslims?” The audience failed to give a reply.)
The story of Dr Kamala Das
Dr Kamala Das, previously Madhavi Kutty, is a renowned author in Malayalam literature. Her father V M Nayar is the editor of a Malayali periodical ‘Matribhumi’ (The Motherland) and her mother Palapad Balamanni Amma is a famous Malayali poet. While staying in Calcutta, Kamala Das became inclined to Islam and converted to the faith. Later on, she wrote many articles praising Islam that appeared in various Islamic periodicals. But within a short period, her sweet-dreams with Islam came to an end. Various kinds of Islamic dos and don’ts turned her life into a hell. She became disgusted with hijab, which she must wear while going out. But it was not possible for her to desert Islam for fear of being assassinated.

In this context, the tragic end of a Bangladeshi family for deserting Islam may be narrated. Nine members of a Muslim family in the district of Mymensingh left Islam and converted to Christianity. But local Muslims began to oppress them so mercilessly that they decided to commit suicide en masse. The nine members of the family tied themselves with a rope and all of them jumped before an approaching train.
The Story of Samira Begum
(This episode appeared as a Letter to the Editor in the April 3, 2006 edition of the ‘Ananda Bazar Patrika’, the Calcutta based Bengali daily of largest circulation and compiled by R N Datta in his book ‘The Silent Terror’, in Bengali). In her letter, Samira Begum wrote:

“While studying in the college, I got acquainted with a Muslim boy of our college and within a year, this acquaintance turned into an intense love. The love was so intense that it practically turned me blind. As a result, I turned down every advice of my parents and other well-wishers, threw their earnest requests into the garbage, converted myself to Samira Begum and married my Muslim lover. But all my dreams were broken into pieces after living a few months in my husband’s house. There, I received oppression at every moment, firstly for dowry and secondly for giving birth to 2 daughters and not a son. Scolding, reproach and blames were showered upon me at every moment. Recently, such scoldings and cursings have become extremely intense as I have supported the Bangladeshi authoress Taslima Nasrin and praised her for her writings. I am now just somehow passing my days for the sake of my daughters, but I do not know how many days I shall be able to endure this. Now I have been able to understand that, perhaps I could have enjoyed a happy and peaceful married life, had I listened to and honoured the advice of my parents and other well-wishers of my family. Now I feel that parents always look for the good of their children.

-- Yours Samira Begum
A Hindu woman, who narrowly escaped Islamic love-trap
In his book, The Silent Terror, R N Datta writes, “Recently I have received a letter from the husband of a Hindu woman, who once fell in the love-trap of a Muslim boy, but fortunately saved.” The content of the letter is presented below:

“Dear Sir, I have gone through your book ‘The Silent Terror’ and have been immensely benefited by it. …I should confess that your book has played an important role to restore my family peace. To cut a long story short, in her childhood, my wife fell a victim of love-trap of one of her Muslim classmates. Her love became so intense that she decided to marry him. But strong opposition by her family members ultimately could refrain her doing so. But she remained mentally inclined to her Muslim lover. By observing her eagerness to get united with him compelled me to think that I should help her to be reunited with that Muslim boy. At such an hour, your book reached my hands and after going through it, I handed over the book to my wife. Meanwhile, she could have been able to learn something about the evils of Islam and barbaric Muslim psyche from the works of Taslima Nasrin, and after going through your book, she could come to her senses. She then confessed that, had she been aware of the vices of Islam and the despicable Muslim psyche, she would have never been able to make love with her Muslim classmate. She also told me that at that time, she was immensely influenced by a poem written by the renowned Bengali Muslim poet Nazrul Islam that says “Hindus and Muslims are simply two flowers on the same stalk” and since blind love does not analyze pros and cons, she fell in love with her classmate Anikul. However, she is now able to get rid of the illusion. So, I express my respect and gratitude to you. I would request you to go on writing and pray to God for wider publicity of your books.

With regards…”
The Story of Indira, Daughter of Javahar Lal Nehru
When Indira fell in the love-trap of the Muslim young man Feroz Khan, strong opposition came from her father Jawaharlal Nehru and mother Kamala Nehru. But Indira was too stubborn to yield to their advices. But to keep the people of India ignorant of this affair, Indira and Feroz were secretly flown to London where Indira was converted to Islam and married to Feroz according to Islamic rites. Many believe that her name was changed to Farzana Begum. The name of Feroz Khan’s father was Nawab Khan, who was a liquor Dealer and whose ancestral house was in the Junagar area in Gujarat. However, after their return to India, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi intervened to wipe out the Muslim identity of Feroz Khan. Feroz Khan’s mother was a Parsi lady, whom Nawab Khan married after converting her to Islam. The surname of her family was Ghandy. He summoned Nehru urgently and asked him to force Feroz Khan to change his surname from Khan to Gandhi, a slightly changed version of his mother’s maiden surname Ghandy. According to another version, Gandhi took Feroz as his adopted son and thus prepared the basis for turning Feroz Khan into Feroz Gandhi. At the same time, on the basis of Parsi religious identity of Feroz’s Mother, the media started to portray Feroz Khan as Feroz Gandhi, a Parsi and thus a fake Gandhi family came into existence in India. To fool common Indians further, J L Nehru arranged a fake marriage between Indira and Feroz, following Vedic rites.

However, after the birth of Rajib, the eldest son of Indira, lecherous Feroz Khan started a new love-game with another lady, which offended Indira and she returned to her father’s house in tears. Even her illustrious father could do nothing to repair this damage. It should be mentioned here that the Special Muslim Marriage Act of India permits a Muslim of India to keep four wives at a time and compel them to live together under coercion and violence. But Indira declined to live with the second wife of Feroz and left his house. From the above narration, it becomes evident that after the birth of Rajib, Indira and Feroz lived separately, though they were not legally divorced. The question naturally arises – Who was the biological father of Indira’s second son Sanjeev. That fellow was also a Muslim called Muhammad Yunus. So, it becomes evident that both Rajib and Sanjeev were born out of a Muslim mother and two Muslim fathers. Whatever it may be, from the above narration it becomes evident that, Indira or Farzana Begum could not taste a happy married life by marrying Feroz Khan.
The Tragic, Heart-Rending Story of a Brahmin Girl, who converted and married a Muslim and ended up in brothel
The story given below has been narrated by the twin brother Ganesh (name changed) of the unfortunate girl through a letter to R N Datta, a great soul and a social activist, who has dedicated his life to make the Hindus aware of the danger of Islam. In his letter, Ganesh writes:

“Dear Sir, I was born in an ancient and devout Brahmin family of the district of Nadia. Our family was so orthodox and strict vegetarian that even onions, garlic and lentil (Masur dal) could not enter our kitchen, not to speak of fish and meat. …Worship of various gods and goddesses, many kinds of penance, fasting and austerity were regular features in our household…

My beloved sister Sita (name changed) and I were twins. I was born a few minutes earlier from my sister and hence I was elder to her. We have grown up by sleeping with my mother and sucking her breasts. In our childhood, if any of us had been infected by a disease, the other also would have fallen sick of the same disease. It was a usual practice for our parents to take one of us to the doctor, but the medicines, prescribed by him, were applied to both of us. Up to the class IV standard, we studied in the same local primary school and we used to score almost similar marks in exams. But up to Higher Secondary, we had to attend different schools, while I studied in a boys’ school and she in a girls’ school. After that, we got admitted into a co-educational college and studied together. From this time on, a disaster began to show its ugly face.

A few Muslim boys, mostly from villages, were also studying in that college and my beloved sister began to mix with one of them very closely. The affair went on for nearly a year and meanwhile my sister decided to marry that Muslim boy. We tried our best but failed to alter her decision. Meanwhile, my parents and other elders of the family could learn about this development, but my sister, ignoring all obstacles, one day left her paternal house and went to the house of that Muslim boy. Fearing public disgrace and social disrepute, we refrained from taking any legal step or sought help of the police to bring her back. The family of the Muslim boy, on the other hand, greeted her gleefully, converted her readily to Islam and married her with the boy.

The incident left me so grief-stricken that I could not attend my classes for nearly a month. After that, I could learn about the miserable married life of my sister from other Muslim boys coming from the same village. It was absolutely difficult for her to adjust with the Muslim food habits. It has been pointed earlier that we were strict vegetarians and even onions and garlic were not allowed to enter our kitchen. But, almost all the preparations of her husband’s household, as usual, contained meat and fish, along with onion and garlic. And hence in most of the days, she had to starve. Moreover, on the occasion when beef was prepared, she had to vomit throughout the day. In addition to that, other strict Islamic practices like performing namaz five times a day and covering the body with burqa while going outdoor etc. became extremely unbearable for her. But all paths had been closed, and there was no chance to undo what she had done except repenting for what she had done. Occasionally, she wrote letters to me that kept me regularly informed about the goings-on in her miserable married life.

In the mean time, acute bitterness between her and her husband began. At every moment, she had to live under the threat of instant oral talaq and being driven out of the house like a worn-out domestic animal. After the marriage, her husband left his studies and returned to the village to look after agriculture, which he took up as his profession. Occasionally, he used to go to some neighbouring places with some other jobs and return home after a few days. Within her 5 years married life, she meanwhile gave birth to four children. But the bitterness between her and her husband continued. A few months later, I received the news that her husband had moved to a far away place with a job and took his wife and children with him. This gave me some relief from my grief and anxiety, and I began to think that this change might give my sister a happy and peaceful married life.

After a long gap, I received a letter from my sister. The letter, though written by my sister, came from a brothel of a town of Madhya Pradesh. From that letter, I could know that her husband had sold my sister to brothel keeper through a middleman, obviously under the exchange of fat cash. She also wrote that she was not bothered about her own life, because her destiny would punish for the mistake she had committed by ignoring the advice of her nearest ones and marrying a Muslim rogue. But she was terribly anxious about the fate of her children and requested me to enquire about her children – where and how they were passing their days. She also wrote that it was very difficult for her to write from that whore-house. It was the kindness of one of her Bengali Hindu clients that provided her with a pen, paper and an envelope.

Sir, there is none to listen to this heart-rending story of my dear sister. You are a great and generous man and trying to save the Hindu girls falling in the love-trap of Muslim boys and this encouraged me to write the sad story of my sister to you with the request that you would propagate this story to make Hindu girls alert about this danger. In reality, it is as dangerous as licking a sharp razor.

With profound regards.”

Source: Islam Watch

Heart breaking Love Jihad histories from Kerala

Heart breaking Love Jihad histories from Kerala

By Mr. Pradeesh
Know more about Love Jihad
True case histories of Love-Jihad as told by a prominent member of a Hindu organization of Kerala
Few days back I happened to talk to a girl student of P.A. Aziz Engineering college in Thiruvananthapuram.
From her, I came to understand the frightful situation in that college. The most terrifying part is that the first
year students who join the college, have to experience ‘ragging of a different kind’ from their seniors. The
senior Muslim boys (as the Muslim population is very high) ask the junior Hindu/Christian girls ‘why you do
not wear a burkha, wear a burkha and show us’ or tell them to do namaaz in front of others / ‘learn how to do
namaz tomorrow and come’. Nobody dares to tell this outside as the college is under Muslim administration
and they do not give respect to the Principal too. Here, Hindu/Christian students are lured and threatened into
getting converted and no one dares to tell it outside.
While studying in the third year, a student of the college, fell in love with a Muslim boy and later got
converted. She tried to convert her parents too and told them that the Hindu beliefs and customs, going to
temples, etc. is wrong. A fourth year student of the same college, has started to wear burkha and do namaz
at night at home. When her parents asked her about the same, she ran away with a Muslim boy. We have
come to know that 12 Hindu girls of this college have converted to Islam till date. When we went to meet
these girls secretively, we came to know that in this college, the girl’s hostel was situated in 3-4 places and
no one knows among themeselves about what happens in these places. Thus, the activities of this college
are very suspicious. In this college, the pass percentage is only 20%.
Second Incident
One day, a girl called up and said, ‘I want to come back, I am in dangerous situation’. As soon as she told
this, we felt as though someone forcefully snatched away the phone from her. After sometime we called on
that mobile number, but it was switched off. Again, when we called up after sometime, a person named
Shafeeq took up the phone and said, ‘we are married and that she spoke unknowingly like this’. When we
told that we would like to meet him, he switched off the mobile phone. With the help of mobile company and
cyber cell, we came to know that the girl was taken from Koyilandi, Kerala and is now kept at an institution in
Aluva, Ernakulam. Thorugh the help of police and our activists, we found both of them and produced them in
the police station. Then the girl told her story – ‘the boy was in love with me for 2 years. Later, he put me in a
vehicle in Koyilandi without telling me where he is taking me. He troubled me a lot in the car. Now I want to
return to my parents.’ So we contacted her parents and they came and took her away.
Every day we come across 3-4 such cases.
A person Abubacker from Palakkad, Kerala, fraudly identified himself as a Hindu and acquainted with a Hindu
girl from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. This girl had only an elder sister. He promised to marry her and
arranged a marriage in a temple at Thiruvananthapuram, identifying himself as a Hindu. Also, he brought his
friends and made them pretend to be Hindus. Thus, the marriage took place. After that, both of them stayed
at Palakkad. After one month of marriage, he told the girl to get converted. She declined. Later she came to
realise that he is a Muslim and felt that she is in a dangerous situation. As she declined to convert, he took
her to the railway station at night stating that they had to go somewhere and took one train ticket and put her
alone into the train and left her. This news was reported to us. Now this person is getting ready to marry a
second time and has told that if anybody opposes the marriage, he will kill that girl. Such incidents are
increasing daily.
In Palakkad, the sister-in-law (wife’s younger sister) of the district president of a political party with Hindu way
of thinking ran away with a Muslim. When we went to investigate, we found that the girl was forced to call this
leader’s house and threatened them that if anyone came to search for her, their son’s dead body would lie on
the road. Later when we contacted the girl’s family and told that we would bring the girl back, we got the reply
that ‘since we are in midst of tension and our family is not in a position to face the Muslims, we need not
proceed further’. So what is seen nowadays is that the Muslims are threatening Hindus widely.
Nowadays, in Palakkad, Thiruvananthapuram, Koyilandi, Malappuram, and other places, is that after the girl
goes away with the Muslim boy, she is forced to call her home and tell her parents that she is going to
convert to Islam and that no one should come searching her. If anybody does so, it will be harmful to them.
Such threatening is taking place widely.
In Thiruvananthapuram there in a shopping complex a Hindu girl was working in a company called ‘Arabian
Fragrance’. The owner of the shop named Aisha used to give her Quran and tell that Islam is great and that
idol worship is bad. She was misguided and lured and taken to ‘Mughadaal conversion’ centre in Kozhikode,
Kerala. Police investigated and came to know that the girl was lured and that she was not ready to return.
Then the girl’s parents and elder sister gave a complaint to the police and reached the conversion centre at
Kozhikode. On reaching there, the authorities were not ready to return the girl. Now the Thiruvananthapuram
police commisioner has told the crime branch to investigate. In this Aisha’s shop, in the past 1 year, 3 such
girls have got converted. Among that, one girl was married to a Muslim. He took away her ornaments and Rs
1 lakh and left her.
At Thriprayar in Thrissur district of Kerala, a lady named Shakeela was running a computer centre, where a
girl from a poor Hindu family was working. She was taken to the Kozhikode Mughadaar conversion centre.
Her parents have called us and asked for help.
Now the new trend is to convert the Hindu girls working in shops, shopping malls and computer centres
owned by Mulsims. Examples are Baby pride mall, Coingo Bazar, Mithai therivu (in Kozhikode), Maharaja
Textiles (Thiruvananthapuram). In these places, only Muslim boys and Hindu girls are employed. This is the
new ‘system’ of Love-Jihad – giving job, high salary, mobile phones to girls/ladies working in shopping malls
or shops and slowly take them to conversion centres / making them fall in love with Muslim boys and thus
cheat them….

'Paigam Islam' an organisation from UP released

'Paigam Islam' an organisation from UP released
'Fatwa' in Latur !

• An order to convert Hindu women
• An order to usurp the property and animals of Hindus
What are the powerful Hindu organisations this time willing do in this context? Are
they keen at least to register their protest or will blissfully choose to keep quiet as they
always do?
Latur (Maharashtra): 'Paigam Islam' an organisation of Uttar Pradesh has released a ruling (fatwa) in Latur
ordering all the Muslims in India to participate in 'Jihad' with an aim to once again hoist 'Chand tara' on Lal
Killa. (Whether the so called secular government and the police who are unnecessarily harassing the patriotic
and religious institutions like Sanatan Sanstha, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Abhinav Bharat, Bajrang Dal etc.
will ever take any action against this Muslim organisation which is indulged into the acts against the nation
and the government itself? Or whether they have simply decided to overlook such deeds of Muslims? - Editor
The ruling states that, "convert Hindu girls, usurp the property of Hindus. Force them to addictions. Rob the
farms and the animals of Hindus." This sensational letter containing the ruling was distributed in the whole
city. Most importantly, the distributors were strictly ordered that, "this letter must not be given to any Hindu."
(The so called secular Congress government had been fawning the Muslims and had been castrating the
Hindus to such an extent that it has almost imposed 'Jihad' on 'Hindustan'. It has committed a sin which is
unforgivable and of which these Congressmen can never get rid of ! - Editor SP) Dainik ‘Saamna’,
Sambhajinagar edition has published this letter. Its content is highly objectionable and a threat to social
The content of the ruling which is destructive of the nation and Hindus
The nationwide existence of 2 lakhs terrorists and 60 thousand riffles !
The letter is addressed to Suleman Miya Katghar of Uttar Pradesh. India was under the Muslim rule for 800
years and once again to establish its rule and to hoist the Muslim flag on Lal Killa, 'Jihad' has been declared.
For this, 2 lakhs Bangladeshis have infiltrated, of which 1 lakh are hardcore terrorists. Apart from this, 2 lakhs
SIMI workers are eagerly waiting for the order. Also, 60 thousand AK47 have reached from China and
Pakistan. Further, Muslims have also occupied places in the military forces. (This shows the intent of Muslims
of entering into the forces. The secular Government has not yet imposed reservation on the basis of religion
on the forces. But tomorrow if it does so, then the; terrible situation' cannot even be thought of ! - Editor SP)
Convert Hindu Girls,Use them !
This letter appeals to destroy the Hindus entirely. (Will the secular government take any action against such
sensational and provoking letter? - Editor SP) Also, an appeal is made to Muslim youths to "convert Hindu
girls and use them". They are encouraged to make friendship with Hindu girls, to establish homely relations
with their parents, to create trust and then to convert the girls. This principle is codified as 'Bijnor UP
Formula'. According to it, these youths should do any sort of work’s place at Hindu; and especially trap the
Hindu ladies. Taking recourse to this means, hundreds of Hindu women have been converted in Jaipur. They
have even been advised different means to bring the girls under control. The ruling spiels out that, "To trap
Hindu girls spend as much money as you can and then convert them. Later make them 'Callgirl' and from that
money buy weapons to be used in the Jihad."
Bottle Formula
Further the ruling says that, "Cause addiction of liquor to poor Hindus. Make them impotent by the
addiction and convert their wives. Take over their property. Abduct their cows. Assam and Kashmir is
already their control".
Now the whole India is to be brought under Islamic control!
This has created havoc in the city but the police force is completely unaware of it. (Why should this police
force that sleeps over such dangerous appeals of Muslims be nurtured by the tax earned and paid honestly
by the Hindus? - Editor SP) such a letter has been received by almost all Muslims in the city and a demand is
made that the cops should find out the source of the letter.
Muslim government employees ordered to treasure chest the governmental treasures !
Hindu officers and the cops are extremely greedy so lure them with more money and make them slavish. To
bring financial unstability in India every Muslim in government sector must treasure chest the governmental
treasury. The ruling further states, the money shall be utilised for 'Jihad'.
Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

The War Against Hinduism

The War Against Hinduism

(Written July, 2001, but still going on)

By Stephen Knapp

Over the years we have all heard about the many attempts that have been made in India to convert various sections of society from Hinduism to either Christianity or Islam. But only after one of my trips to India did I really get a much clearer understanding of what has been going on. Furthermore, most people, as well as many Indians, ... See Moreare not fully aware of how the war against Hinduism is happening, nor how serious it is. It is taking place on many levels, and because of this, in some areas the practice of Hinduism is declining rapidly.When I was traveling in June of 2001, I had gone on a lecture tour, speaking every night on the importance of Vedic culture at places like Mumbai, Nagpur, Warangal, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Hyderbad, Bangalore, Trivandrum, and Chennai. So I had the chance to meet with many of the intellectuals and some of the spiritual leaders in these areas, and learned how conversion was a very hot issue.Now I don’t have anything in particular against Christianity itself. I was born and raised a Christian, so I know what it is, but also how they work. My main contention is when the teachings that are said to come from Jesus are twisted and misinterpreted into something that does not spread the genuine love of God and humanity that we are all supposed to develop, but becomes the dog-like barking and criticism against every other religion that is not Christian. This does not only go on toward every religion outside of Christianity, but also within it between Catholics and Protestants and other denominations. It seems that this faith has become not something that promotes our similarities for cooperation, but our differences in that everyone who is of an unrelated Christian denomination are all going to hell.In regard to India, there is a great number of missionaries of various denominations who are working there right now, all competing for the most number of converts. The Southern Baptists alone are a group that has nearly 100,000 career missionaries in North India, all working to spread the “good word.” We also find that in order to make converts from Hinduism some of the numerous Catholic priests in Southern India dress like sannyasis, and call their organizations ashramas. This is to make Christianity more similar to the Vedic traditions. Bharat Natyam dance is also taught in the Christian schools, but with Christian symbols and meanings replacing the Vedic. This is all in the attempt to actively sway Hindus over to Christianity. One way they are trying to bring Christianity deep into the culture of India is by superimposing its rituals, symbols, and even types of dress on the Hindu forms of the same. Thus, you will see the cross on the lotus, some priests dress in saffron, and some churches have the ambiance of a Hindu temple. If this keeps up, maybe one day Christianity will be more Hindu than Christian. While traveling in the far Northeastern states of India I have seen some of the tactics that the Christian missionaries have used to help make converts, such as offering cheap polyester pants to the tribals of the Northeast if they become Christian, or even offer motor bicycles if they help convert their brothers, which also means their wives and family. In other places like Madhya Pradesh, as noted in the Neogy Report, the missionaries give small loans on interest to the tribals, who cannot pay back such loans easily. However, if they become Christian, then such loans and the interest are dismissed. This is what goes on in the democracy of India, and under the tolerance of the Hindus, while if one such incidence would ever occur in a Muslim country, the result would be an immediate expulsion of the missionary from that nation.Another trick that has been done is that missionaries, while treating the sick, will give medicine of no value and ask the tribal to take it while offering prayers to his local deity. Naturally, no cure of disease is likely to occur with the useless medicine. Then the missionary gives the tribal real medicine and asks the tribal to take it while offering prayers to Jesus. Then when there is a recovery, it is attributed to the power of Christ and not to the medicine. Such conversion activities take place these days more often in the tribal areas under the guise of social service. However, true social service should be done without expecting anything in return, including conversion.Another thing that takes place is mass healings at meetings similar to revivals. What they do is pay people to attend the healings portraying themselves as being sick, or invalids on crutches, etc., who then get called up and are miraculously cured of their disease. This is attributed to the power of Christ, which then convinces many tribals that they too can benefit in various ways if they become Christian. This has not had much of an effect amongst the Brahmana classes, but the lower classes who attend are more vulnerable and are impressed by such things, and are then swayed toward Christianity. This is why Christian conversion tactics have been focused more toward the tribal areas than other regions of India. So these conversions are not taking place due to pure preaching of the Bible or the message of Jesus, but are accomplished by trickery and the emphasis on material facility. This is, of course, what is being objected to by the general Hindu population. However, when or if people convert for purely spiritual reasons, then there is no objection.Another way conversions are accomplished is with the promise to the Dalits or the lower caste Hindus that they will not have any more caste recognition by becoming Christians. However, after conversion many find out that this is not true. Even amongst the converted Christians there is found to be a caste mentality, with the lower castes forced to use separate doorways, separate seating, or have marriages performed only among equal caste Christians and in separate facilities, or to even be buried in separate cemeteries. When this becomes obvious to those who are newly converted, some of them want to come back to being Hindus again, which has been facilitated by such organizations as the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).An interesting point is that in spite of these duplicitous ways of converting that the Christians have used, the Christian churches have threatened violence against the process of reconversion back to Hinduism that had been launched by the VHP. It is as if they do not want anyone to have the right to do what they are already doing. It was Rev. V. K. Nuh, secretary of the Nagaland Baptist Convention who said, “If someone tries to impose their faith, Christians in this region will not surrender. There will be a battle and we shall have no option. There will be a physical and religious war if attempts are made to propagate Hinduism by forceful means in the Northeast.” In this same line of thinking, Rev. M.D. Oaugma, head of the Garo Baptist Convention of Meghalaya said, “It could be a threat to Christianity if we remain silent to the VHP’s game plan of mass conversion. We shall have to fight, we shall have to resist.” (Maharashtra Herald, July 11, 1998)Of course, it is easy for Hindus to be nonchalant toward other religions because they feel that each spiritual path takes you toward God. So in this light, it is alright to be tolerant of them or let them thrive. But the problem is that not all religions feel the same way toward Hinduism. Some feel that Hinduism is a culture that should be removed or destroyed. An example of this is that in Northeast India, in states like Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur, they have witnessed a surge of nearly 200% in their Christian population in the past 25 years due to the wily tactics of foreign missionaries. Their grasp is so strong now that practicing Hinduism is forbidden in some areas. Where is the democratic freedom in that? Hindus can no longer do worship or arati in the open because of the fanaticism in parts of the land. Durga puja has become almost obsolete as deities are destroyed or stolen in broad daylight. This confrontational climate has led to numerous militant outfits sponsored by the Church who are fighting for secession from India. So now the Northeastern portion of India wants to secede from it, and another part of India will be lost if this should happen.If the Catholic Church in particular is supposed to espouse the message that God is love, and that it is by love of God and neighbor that mankind is saved, it certainly has not shown much of that kind of love toward any other religion. With the Pope’s recent call for conversions in Asia, it certainly shows that it is not a friend of other religions, but still holds the goal that other spiritual paths should be brought down to be replaced by Christianity. This should be clearly understood. This is also the case with the Baptists and other denominations.While I was in New Delhi, I also met with Mrs. Shanti Reddy, a member of a government agency called the National Committee for Women. She revealed that another thing that missionaries have done was to kidnap young Indian children. What one Christian missionary couple in Chennai was doing before they were arrested was to bribe tribals into giving their young baby girls to them. They would pay the tribals as little as 2000 to 5000 rupees for baby girls, and then turn around and sell the girls to foreigners for as much as $30,000 to $40,000. According to the records that had been confiscated from the missionaries’ home, this had been a thriving business, and nearly 25 of such transactions had already taken place. The Indian authorities said they probably saved 300 baby girls from such a fate from the indications on the records they found. So this has been another one of the forms of activities that such missionaries do for their own benefit and profit against the real interest of India. However, whenever Hindus react with force against such people, they are labeled as fundamentalists, antagonists, communalists, or worse. But how can you expect that Hindus should not display serious and violent reactions when such activities become obvious? It usually takes a lot to make Hindus react, as they are often most pacifistic and tolerant people. This is also why they make lousy terrorists, they just do not see things that way. Nonetheless, another way that India is slowly losing its Vedic culture is through the process of secular or English and Christian education. Of course, in public schools all Vedic books have been removed from the curriculum. So there are no possibilities to study the ancient Indian literature or art in such institutions. So Vedic values are no longer part of what the children are taught. Furthermore, the Christian schools, often staffed by Christian missionaries, can teach Christian values in their classes, and include a short study of the Bible everyday, or the Koran if it’s an Islamic school. The so-called secular government has even helped them with free land and facilities. Since these schools offer English in their education, along with good discipline, many of the middle classes of Indians are favoring sending their children to these schools. Today, in the Indian cities, many of the parents of children are the graduates of Christian schools, who also send there own children to such schools. As this trend continues, there will be a decreasing number of Hindus in the educated sector. Thus, children in India, with the help of the secular government, are learning Christian values and perceiving their own history and culture as something less than honorable. They are taught that such important books as the Bhagavad-gita, Ramayana, Bhagavata Purana and other Vedic texts are nothing more than mythology, and not a result of one of the most profound civilizations in the world. They are also taught that their own God is but a demon and the only real way to God is through Jesus.An example of this is that a few devotees from the New Delhi Iskcon (Hare Krishna) temple go out and give presentations to the children’s classes in schools. Some of the questions that are asked by the children are, “Who is your God?” and “hat can your God do for me?” and so on. Obviously, these questions are nothing but a direct result of the Christian and English oriented education that these children are receiving. Now I ask anyone, isn’t this practically a covert form of conversion? This form of education indoctrinates the children to doubt their own culture, and disrespect their own history and traditions. As a result of this form of education, the Hindu population is slowly forgetting the unique history and lofty culture of their homeland.As I traveled around, it was not unusual to see elementary schools around India with a name something like “Saint Xavier’s School.” People should know that this Francis Xavier, who is now one of the greatest so-called “saints,” feverishly declared, “When I have finished baptizing the people, I order them to destroy the huts in which they keep their idols; and I have them break the statues of their idols into tiny pieces, since they are now Christians. I could never come to an end describing to you the great consolation which fills my soul when I see idols being destroyed by the hands of those who had been idolaters.” (From “The Letters and Instructions of Francis Xavier,” 1993, pp 117-8) This was his goal, to destroy Indian culture and make India a Christian nation. So it is ironic that now India embraces the schools that honor him in this way. How could they not know his true intention What is often not recognized is that, up until recently, for the last 50 years the politicians who have been directing the destiny of India are the ones who have an anti-Hindu attitude. They have set the economic direction and the educational policies that the country has been forced to follow. They have also promised the protection of the religious minorities with the hopes of acquiring votes. This has been one of the reasons why the secularists in the Congress party have treated everything that is Hindu with disdain.Another aspect of the loss of Vedic culture in India is that the younger Indian people, especially ages from 15 to 25, are readily giving up Vedic customs to follow the more decadent so-called freedoms of the West. They see the western movies, they read what the celebrities say in the papers, and they admire them and want to adopt their forms of dress and lifestyles. Thus, in the big cities like Mumbai you have Indian couples living together without marriage, which is something you never would have seen before a few years back. Now the Vedic principles are looked upon as something obsolete, something that restricts the style that those who look to the West want to adopt. Thus, they are leaving Indian traditions behind and losing respect for anything Vedic. In this way, they adopt foreign standards, or lose so much respect for Indian and Vedic values that they become embarrassed to admit their Hindu background and heritage. Furthermore, Sanskrit scholars at the temples are also slowly dying out, and the modern Indians view the Ramayana and Mahabharata as merely myths or gaudy television shows.Although India has been invaded by outsiders so many times and has always survived, what we are talking about is more than mere property or geography. What is actually being threatened is the basis of Indian culture itself. As younger generations give up their Vedic heritage, even if they return to it later when they are older and looking for more philosophical support, with whatever percentage of loss occurs with each generation, time has shown that it is never fully recovered. A portion of it is lost forever.Another way of looking at this is that India presently enjoys an 85% Hindu majority in its population. This may sound quite significant, but in actuality this includes 15% Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains. So it is really only a 70% majority. How many more generations will go by before we see a big drop in this percentage due to the process of secular (meaning Christian or English, or even Islamic) education, or with the present rate of conversions by tactless Christians? This percentage could easily drop well below 50% in only a few more generations at the present rate of change.How many more generations will it take before the Hindu majority is no longer a majority, but a minority in its own country? As Hinduism declines, you will see that the demands on the government and those voted into politics will also change, and the laws will also alter more in favor of the increasing minority religions at the expense of declining Hinduism. Then as the years go by there will appear only small clusters of Hindu or Vedic communities, most likely centered around prominent holy places, until the more aggressive religions act in ways to diminish these as well, in the same way that they are presently doing in other countries.The point of all this information is that it is time for all Hindus and supporters and followers of the Vedic culture, Sanatana-dharma, to realize what is actually happening and give up your timidness or nonchalance and speak out while such freedom still exists. We must become more pro-active for defending this culture. The point is that if you do not take it seriously, I can assure you that there are others who take this inaction and tolerance extremely seriously to promote their own goals and religions in India. It is because of this that India may not always remain the homeland of an active and thriving Vedic culture as it is now. We need to protect whatever is left of it and maintain the present liberties that Hindus or followers of Vedic culture still have in India. Then we all can continue to engage in Vedic traditions without hindrance, and with full freedom. For this, we need to unite ourselves in a concerted effort to make this happen. And it most certainly is possible.Not long ago, as told to me by Professor Subhash Kak, it was noted in a reputable publication that now 1% of the Russian population claim that they are Hindu. The article stated that this was primarily due to the preaching efforts of Iskcon. This shows a major social impact. This shows what is possible if we can work together in a concerted effort. This is why I am convinced that if we all work in a pro-active way under the banner of a united family of Vedic followers, or Global Vedic Community, we can keep and even expand the present freedoms that we now have to practice Vedic and indigenous traditions, and keep India as the homeland of Vedic culture, the most ancient roots of humanity.India must be protected and kept as the homeland and center of the Vedic heritage, Sanatana-dharma, Hinduism. Without it, what is its value, in spite of whatever else it accomplishes? The value of Hinduism and India are clearly expressed in the words of the famous English theosophist Dr. Annie Besant. She put great emphasis on the value of India, its history, the Vedic culture, and its importance to the world. As written in the cover notes from the book, Hindus, Life-Line of India, by G. M. Jagtiani, she says: “After a study of some forty years and more of the great religions of the world, I find none so perfect, none so scientific, none so philosophic, and none so spiritual as the great religion known by the name of Hinduism. The more you know it, the more you will love it; the more you try to understand it, the more deeply you will value it. Make no mistake; without Hinduism, India has no future. Hinduism is the soil into which India’s roots are struck, and torn of that she will inevitably wither, as a tree torn out from its place. Many are the religions and many are the races flourishing in India, but none of them stretches back into the far dawn of her past, nor are they necessary for her endurance as a nation. Everyone might pass away as they came and India would still remain. But let Hinduism vanish and what is she? A geographical expression of the past, a dim memory of a perished glory, her literature, her art, her monuments, all have Hindudom written across them. And if Hindus do not maintain Hinduism, who shall save it? If India’s own children do not cling to her faith, who shall guard it? India alone can save India, and India and Hinduism are one.”In this light, it is absolutely necessary that as followers of Sanatana-dharma, Vedic culture, we realize that we need to repair whatever differences we have between us regarding whatever issues there may be. This is necessary in order to work with some cooperation with whomever we can if we expect to be a substantial force in defending the Vedic cause. Otherwise, all the issues that invariably come up, although these should not be ignored, should not take so much of our attention that our preaching or sharing or promoting of our culture stops. Otherwise, we will only serve as contributors to the continuing deterioration of all spiritual standards as the age of Kali-yuga progresses. This preaching, of course, means that we must all stay in touch with and practice the Vedic standards, and be ready to let others know of its advantages, and to defend it from those who wish to see its demise.We cannot allow ourselves to be led into the danger of endless debate that leads to inaction. We all must be pro-active in some way to help defend and spread Vedic culture. Then we can work together to keep the freedom we presently have to practice the Vedic traditions and keep India as the homeland of a thriving, dynamic, and still living tradition. Such freedom does not come without its challenges, and we must be prepared as a society to meet those challenges. To take such freedoms for granted means that it’s only a matter of time before they are lost. And that is exactly what some people want to happen. So we must be willing to work all the harder to prevent such a decline of our Vedic heritage.
(This article is from: http://www.stephen-knapp.com/)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

“The earth is enjoyed by heroes”—this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear.”